In 2012 – I converted my Rover 75 car to be a Hybrid with self producing HHO

In simple terms: Petrol and diesel fuels are inherently inefficient, and a lot of the time there is unburnt fuel. The HHO gas burns much more quickly, cleanly and more powerfully. With 3 times the power as standard petrol or diesel, and this in turn helps to fully ignite and burn the standard fuel going into the engine.

Also as the HHO can provide slightly improved power, you need less acceleration, therefore less fuel to go the same speed. Finally, as the bi-product of burning HHO is water (more specifically steam) this will cool the engine, making it run cooler, therefore more efficient, plus you get the a ‘steam cleaning’ effect on the old carbon deposits inside the engine, giving more benefits for the engine.

In more scientific detail

The supplemental hydrogen fuel cell system works by electrolosis, splitting H2O into diatomic 2H2.O2 which is commonly refered to as HHO gas, creating what is better known as ‘Brown’s gas’ after its’ discoverer. The main constituant is Hydrogen. The HHO gas is delivered to the engine mixed with the existing fuel and air mixture as a supplement. The HHO gas helps to burn the existing fuel more efficiently leaving you with a smoother cleaner running engine. The fuel cell can reduce carbon emissions thus helping to protect the enviroment and avoid failing government emission tests.

The HHO gas, when fed into an internal combustion engine, enhances the combustion of your existing fuel. The enhanced combustion means that you need MUCH less fuel to do the job.

So how does this fuel cell work to increase your mileage?

To understand how the fuel cell helps increase miles/kilometres per gallon/litre, you first need to understand the fuel process and how the internal combustion engine uses it. Fuel is made of “Hydrocarbon Chains”. The chains look something like this:


Notice the “H”. That’s our friend the Hydrogen atom. The “C” is Carbon. Fuel Carbon chains are usually C7H16 through to C11H24.

C7H16 means 7 Carbon atoms with 16 Hydrogen atoms. Heavier chains like C14H30 are used as diesel fuel. Carbon chains above C20 are tars and heavy oils. The lightest chain is CH4. That’s 1 Carbon and 4 Hydrogen (Methane).

We burn the mixture somewhere around C9H20 in our internal combustion engines. Chains of this weight are used as our fuel because they are in a liquid state at normal temperatures, easy to store and transport. They also vapourise easily. Pour petrol on your driveway and watch how fast it evaporates. In order to burn the petrol it must be transported from your tank to the combustion chamber. There the fuel is mixed with the air from your air intake, vapourised, compressed, and BANG…ignited. This process takes place very quickly and continuously to maintain the cycle of the internal combustion engine.

Why the science lesson? To make a point; YOU ARE ALREADY BURNING HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN IN OUR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES! The difference between this and pure HHO gas is the carbon atom. The carbon that is left behind is what causes engine sludge, deposits and carbon build up, poor performance, pollution, and the inevitable downfall of our cars. The fact is that most cars do not make it past 200,000 miles without meticulous maintenance. All too often carbon is the culprit.

This fuel cell dissociates water molecules through the process of electrolysis. H2O (2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom), when separated becomes a combustible, clean burning gas rather than a liquid. The gas burns and vapourises the carbon and fuel leaving only steam.LiquidliquidgasGas

This HHO gas (separate hydrogen and oxygen atoms) is fed into our engines via vacuum lines and/or the air intake lines. There it is added to our fuel/air mixture. In the combustion chamber the pure hydrogen and oxygen give our carbon chains a much needed boost. The enhanced combustion of the fuel means that less fuel is required to power the car. The cleaner burn helps remove undesirable deposits of unburned Carbon atoms. The vapourised hydrogen and oxygen atoms blast carbon deposits away.

The supplemental hydrogen fuel cell system also adds water vapour into your engine. This is not a new idea. People have been using this trick for decades. The water vapour helps to slightly cool your engine. Heat is bad for your engine. Especially in mid summer. A cooler engine runs smoother, needs fewer fluid changes, and lasts longer than an overheated one. Common sense.